Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back On the Dark Horse

Hey, It's been awhile since I hollered at y'all. I know it seems like the Sophomore Blogger Slump (the second month is Sophomore) but actually it was just a general mental slump. My life has a hilly terrain and, much like upstate New York, there are lots of ups and downs. So I went to the actual upstate New York again to spend another week on the farm and rejuvenate myself. It's worked pretty well overall. I learned lots of new interesting things that I plan to drone on and on about in the coming weeks (sneak peak-Garlic Braiding! Yeah!). So don't abandon my ramblings, tell your friends and tune in tomorrow. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Station.

1 comment:

Mike Lindgren said...

I hope your down part wasn't too down. Happy garlic braiding…